Friday 8 September 2017


Two rays starting from a common point form an angle.
       i.            Acute angle:
An angle whose measure is greater than 00 but less than 900 is called an actue angle.
    ii.            Right angle:
An angle whose measure is 900 is called a right angle.
 iii.            Obtuse angle:
An angle whose measure is greater than 900 and less than 1800 is called an obtuse angle.
 iv.            Straight angle:
When the ray of an angle are opposite rays forming a straight line, the angle thus formed is a straight angle and its measure is 1800.
    v.            Reflex angle:
An angle whose measure is more than 1800 but less than 3600 is called a reflex angle.
 vi.            Complete angle:
The angle formed one complete circle that is 3600. Such an angle is called a complete angle.

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