Friday 8 September 2017


Symmetry is an important geometrical concept commonly seen in nature and is used in every field of our life. Artists, manufactures, designers, architects and others make use of the idea of symmetry. The beehives, flowers, tree leaves, hand kerchief, utensils have symmetrical design.
Symmetry refers to the exact match in shape and size between two halves of an object. If we fold a picture in half and both the halves-left half and right half-match exactly then we say that the picture is symmetrical.
For example, if we cut an apple into two equal halves,  we observe that two parts are in symmetry.
A butterfly is also an example of a symmetrical form. If a line is drawn down the centre of the butterfly’s body, each of the butterfly looks the same.
Symmetry is of different types.
       i.            Line of symmetry or axis of symmetry.
    ii.            Mirror symmetry.

 iii.            Rotational symmetry

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