Friday 8 September 2017

Data handling

Data handling is a part of statistics. The word statistics is derived from the Latin word “Status”. Like Mathematics, Statistics is also a science of numbers. The number referred to here are data expressed in numerical form like,
       i.            Marks of students in a class
    ii.            Weight of children of particular age in a village
 iii.            The amount of rainfall in a region over a period of years
Statistics deals with the methods of collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of such data.
Any collection of information in the form of numerical figures giving the required information is called data.
Raw data: The information which is collected initially and presented randomly is called a raw data. The raw data is an unprocessed and unclassified data.
Grouped data: The data which is arranged in groups or classes is called a grouped data.
Collection of data: The initial step of investigation is the collection of data. The collected data must be relevant to the need.

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