Friday 8 September 2017


A term is a constant or a variable or a product of a constant and one or more variables.
Example: 3x2, 6x and -5 are called the terms of the expression 3x2+6x-5.
A term could be
       i.            A constant
    ii.            A variable
 iii.            A product of constant and a variable(or variables)
 iv.            A product of two or more variables
In the expression 4a2+7a+3, the terms are 4a2, 7a and 3. The number of terms is 3.
Like Terms: Terms having the same variable or product of variables with same powers are called like terms.  Example: x, -5x, 9x are like terms as they have the same variable x.

Unlike Terms: Terms having different variable or product of variable with different powers are called unlike terms. Example: 6x, 6y are unlike terms.

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